

Recognition of your foreign professional qualification

Did you complete your training as a clinical psychologist or clinical neuropsychologist abroad? If so, you may be eligible for recognition of your foreign professional qualification and registration in the register for one of the specialties if you also wish to use the title ‘klinisch psycholoog' or klinisch neuropsycholoog' within the Netherlands.

Specialties in the Netherlands
The specialist titles ‘klinisch psycholoog’ and ‘klinisch neuropsycholoog’ are legally protected titles. The four-year Dutch university-based post master courses of study that lead to registration in the specialist register of the Registration and Supervision Committee (CRT) can be followed if you have a statutory BIG registration as a health care psychologist (basic profession). The specialist training focusses on competencies like complex diagnostics and treatment, as well as scientific research, management and health care innovation.

Recognition means that your educational title, also known as diploma, that you obtained outside the Netherlands is recognized as being equivalent to that of a specialist trained in the Netherlands. However, you are not yet authorized to use the title ‘klinisch psycholoog’ or ‘klinisch neuropsycholoog’. To do this, you must first be registered in one of the CRT’s specialist registers.

There are certain requirements for registration in one of the specialist registers of the CRT. The main ones are:

  • Your educational title is recognized by the CRT;
  • You have obtained sufficient recent working experience as a specialist;
  • You have participated in a sufficient amount of activities that promote your professional
  • development.
  • Your Dutch language skills are up to standard;
  • You have an (unconditional) statutory registration as a healthcare psychologist in the BIG-register.

You can apply to the CRT both for recognition of your professional qualifications and for registration in the register of specialists in one single application.

Which situation is applicable to you?

1.You are already unconditionally registered as a health care psychologist and are seeking registration as a specialist (klinisch psycholoog or klinisch neuropsycholoog):

  • In this situation you need to submit your application for recognition and registration to the CRT. Send an e-mail with a completed application form, together with all requested documents to:
  • After receiving your application, you will receive an invoice from the FGzPt. After this invoice has been paid, the CRT will process your application. 
  • Would you like to know more about the application to the FGzPt? Please contact the CRT via

2. You are not yet registered as a health care psychologist, and are seeking registration as a specialist:

  • You need to submit a combined application to the CIBG in which you request registration in the register of healthcare psychologist (basic registration) and in one of the specialists registers
  • After receiving your application, the CIBG will contact you
  • First, the CIBG will decide on your application for registration as a healthcare psychologist
  • Subsequently, the CRT will decide on your application for registration as a specialist.
  • Would you like to know more about the combined application? Please contact the CRT at

Review of your application
Your application will be reviewed by the CRT. The CRT assesses the application both on the basis of the Foreign Graduates Decree (Besluit buitenslands gediplomeerden) and Dutch and European regulations. In case the CRT rejects your application, you can lodge an appeal.

For the processing of your request, you will pay a regular amount of €429,56 including 21% VAT (€355,01 excluding VAT) for the standard rate. The discounted rate for registration is €343,65 (€284,01 excluding VAT). The discounted rate applies only to applicants who are members of the NIP, NVO, and/or NVP.

This amount includes any potential registration in the specialization register. If the CRT rejects your application, this amount will not be refunded. You can inquire about the costs for processing your application by the CIBG via

Temporary and incidental services 
If you do not want to settle in the Netherlands and only want to practice temporarily and incidentally, you must submit a notification of temporary and incidental services to us before you commence with your activities.

Informatie over de erkenning en registratie als specialist met een buitenslands diploma / Information about recognition and registration as a specialist with a foreign diploma


Brochure: Information about psychologist in health care in The Netherlands


Aanvraagformulier buitenslands gediplomeerde gezondheidszorg-psycholoogspecialist


Besluit registratie buitenslands gediplomeerde gezondheidszorgpsycholoog-specialisten


Roadmap to working in the Netherlands

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